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is it possible to get on iphone?


you are coming back right (:

Team Fortress 2 Heavy - You are dead, not big surprise 19428928457


Yo guys So bad news and good news i got a new pc and now i dont know how to to get my scripts back and all my stuff this may take awhile XD. so if anybody know how to get it back let me know.

Deleted 1 year ago

Ngl i damn near gave up tbh im still thinking about trying still.

(1 edit) (+1)

So why you won't just download the last version you uploaded on I know it's a bit of a slowdown progress. But it's always something...


The Game is pretty good. Eventhough the dialogues is kinda meh, I still see potential. Also the sprites of the girls are way too small and this game needs more music. But it's probably because the resolution of my game is set to 1280x720.

But overall this game needs to be fleshed out a lot. But take your time with it, yeah? :)


thanks also i was thinking that too i was rushing a lot half of the time


That's a classic mistake of any dev. Don't rush.

Small Update to this i recommend you start from the beginning if you all ready played this to see slight error fixes

lmao i still didnt update im very sorry


Guys im sorry if some of you are waiting for me to update i have been doing other things like valorant etc next friday i will have something

(1 edit)

Hi. Question. U need maybe a better looking title screen for ur game?

true I kinda suck at that 

(3 edits)

'Ere u go. What u think? Also I recommend u to use this website u can find sounds effect even music. Have fun


thats pretty cool !my bad i text so late ive been sleep for a while

night 2 still going btw

this will be a big ass game im talking big twists and i will eventually add choices i swear this my second day coding

if anyone wants it on android just ask me


Yeah I'd love to get this game on android ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ‘Œ


Ok Done!

if its cringe my bad im just looking at other story and getting my inspration from that